LSO 59, Future Plans

It's been a while! I've finally managed to cobble together something I'm happy with for now. It may not look like much, but there was a decent amount done on my end to prepare for planes, the addition of sounds for content from previous updates (What little of it is needed at least), and a complete pass on Facilities. Yes, the heavy truck is still using base game sounds, but trust me, that's only because I have plans for it that require a certain "Heavy Truck" of my own to get out of the shop so I can utilize some of the recording equipment I've collected over the years. So in the mean time, enjoy some new sounds for the highlight content of this update.

- New sounds for the new AT Rifle variants, that actually make you feel like you're firing a cannon shell
- New visceral sounds for Melee hits and parries, that are tuned to be loud enough to break through the chaos of a frontline
- New impact sounds for the Body armor. 
- Havocs, Satchels, and Hydras now have the ability to give you tinnitus, and much more powerful explosions
- Addition/Correction of a Melee mechanic; When an attack is fully charged, your character will inhale to let you know the attack is ready

- MG interior reloads should function again (hopefully)
- Audio balance pass, with the most notable change being the flatbed. It should be notably different

Future Content dependent on upcoming testing conditions:
- Full pass on snow storm sounds and frozen lakes, including gnarly ice cracking sounds
- Mechanical Autoloading sounds for the Brigand Mk.1, and potentially the Bardiche as well
- A special secret add-on for those that enjoy intense immersion, and don't mind a little confusion in communication

As always, I'll do my best to make a second pass if needed, should any major issues arise. I test everything myself as best I can, but as the creator and only a single person, things tend to slip through either by hiding in plain sight or via me not noticing because I'm focused on something else. If you need to contact me, the best place to do that is in the "Soundmod Testing" Channel in the foxhole modding discord, or through a direct message. Do not hesitate to reach out if you find any serious issues. 


War-WindowsNoEditor_LSO59(NoMusic).pak 66 MB
95 days ago
War-WindowsNoEditor_LSO59.pak 73 MB
95 days ago

Get Liquid's Sound Overhaul


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I've noticed that the sound of 120mm and 150mm artillery guns firing is quiet. An update that makes those sounds louder would be great

Wow, glad to see that you still working on this mod. The best sound mod I've played so far